Alexander Tait heads to the Edinburgh Fringe 2024 – Play: Kev Campbell Was He
#teamvs actor Alexander Tait stars in his one man show in ‘Kev Campbell Was He’ in this years Edinburgh Fringe. You can catch Alexander’s show between the 2nd to the 10th August @ the SpackUK Symposium Hall, Hill Square Edinburgh. SHOW TIME: 7:15pm for 50mins.
“After a failed graffiti attempt in a nightclub toilet, Kev Campbell ends up meeting a stranger who completely changes the course of his life. Kev Campbell Was He is a comedic one-man show tackling themes of toxic masculinity and homophobia in modern day Scotland, telling the story of the friendship that forces a man to reckon with heteronormativity in society and himself. Nominated for the David MacLennan Award in 2024, this funny and thought-provoking play is written and performed by Scottish theatre maker Alexander Tait.”
Tickets: https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/kev-campbell-was-he