Charlotte Elizzabeth Langley stars in this years PANTO – Robin Hood
Excited to announce Charlotte Elizzabeth Langley @CharlotteElizza will be joining Outside the Box Productions again, this year for their touring panto of Robin Hood! Rehersals are already underway and Charlotte is looking forward to playing the villainous Sheriff as well as a rather whimsical Nurse Nellie.
Robin Hood 2022
‘The Nasty Sheriff is taking over in a town near you! Will Robin Hood be able to foil his plans to steal money from the poor, marry Maid Marion and take over the entire town?
Find out as we join our brave hero, Robin, his Merry Man (bestie and sidekick), Little John and the beautiful Maid Marion in the heart of the forest. You are in for a for a rip-roaring, hilarious adventure full to the brim with music, dance, slapstick and of course traditional panto magic.
You don’t have to travel all the way to Sherwoord Forest to enjoy our pantomime because Outside the Box Productions Ltd brings the show to You! So get ready for Brave Heroes saving the day, An Evil Villian, Silly Jokes, a Magical Fairy …Oh and a Very Cute Woodland friend will be joining in the action this year!
Enjoy this magical tale with bags of audience participation and plenty of songs and fun, as Outside The Box Productions LTD return for another year bringing the pantomime to you!’ – https://www.outsidetheboxproductions.co.uk/robin_hood